Apex Legends Valkyrie

Epitome by Respawn Amusement

The blight of many online multiplayer games, no matter how fun they might exist, can often be the tick rate. The tick charge per unit, or refresh rate, of a server, is how many times information technology updates per second, information all players in the server of any new information that they need to know.

This information tin can include other role player positions, bullets and trajectories, and other forms of incoming damage. If the tick charge per unit is too dull, the game is often considered sluggish and it is the common consensus that the faster the tick rate, the more accurate information players have to work with. This is especially important for competitive play where snap decisions and instant reactions can often determine who wins and who dies and this is why virtually professional tournaments volition be played on LAN when possible.

For Apex Legends the server tick rate is 20 Hz, with most players feeling that 60 Hz is a more acceptable speed to compensate for other problems that occur while online gaming. While the community wants this change, it does not seem likely based on a programmer blog postal service to the official EA website.

In the blog post, Lead engineer Samy Duc gave some details nigh the infamous tick rate event. Co-ordinate to Duc, increasing the tick rate will not magically solve many bug that players perceive as being related to server refresh rates. "It wouldn't exercise anything for issues that are tied to plain quondam lag (similar getting shot while in cover), ISP-level issues, or bugs (like with hit reg and slow-mo servers)," writes Duc.

The problem is that the developer needs to balance bandwidth usage with the role player experience and figure out what will really make things better versus what volition simply appease vocal customers without actually changing anything. In an extremely math heavy part of the postal service, Duc shows that a player with a 50-millisecond ping would experience a 75-millisecond delay, getting 5 frames of lag if running the game at 60 FPS while on a 20Hz tick rate. If the tick rate was boosted to 60 Hz, the same math would run into iii frames of lag. Then, a lot of expense all effectually for little improvement.

As such, it is highly unlikely that the tick rate for Noon Legends will be changing any time soon.