banner Services Tske My Child For Smoking Weed


Amelia N(xix)

04/03/2017 at 2:37 pm

Lately when dropping my step girl dorsum to her mother subsequently contact her female parent has been very noticably high.
My partner used to smoke weed with her and then knows how she reacts to it but he has not touched information technology since finding out he was going to be a begetter almost 4 years agone and thought she had stopped too.

Basically we do not experience comfortable leaving my footstep daughter in her custody if she is non sober, so I would like to know if we are able to pass up to drop her off and band social services explaining our reasons for doing this. Would social services agree that she should not accept children in her intendance whilst high?
My step girl has recently come off the Child Protection Register and her mother'south partner smoking drugs was a big effect merely apparently all drug use has stopped.

EMMA P(413)

emma p(413)

04/03/2017 at 6:49 pm

If drug apply was crusade of the ss interest, they would definitely take action if mum was high.


Amelia Due north(xix)

04/03/2017 at 7:fifteen pm

Drugs were non the cause for involvement, and SS take never directed anything involving drugs to the mother, just her partner. Both of them are undertaking a drug class currently, I believe they have withal been attending.
Only drug use by the mother, and evidence of drug use around the children (photographs, and one other child that is not my partner'south so we are unable to protect) has been ignored in the past by SS.
I was wondering if u.s.a. not dropping my SD off if the mother was high would reverberate badly on my partner and could the mother potentially stop contact? Would social services think he was being unreasonable as his ex would claim he was kidnapping his daughter, when in reality he but wants to make sure she is safe?

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04/03/2017 at vii:23 pm

Merely thing you could do is phone call the police and accept them attend. Drugs are illegal fifty-fifty if it'southward a modest amount. Given that it's during the day and children are agile in their care then I should retrieve the police would have an outcome.

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Lauren Fifty(56)

04/03/2017 at 8:54 pm

Hi Amelia,

It sounds similar a difficult situation that you take been trying to tread gently with your partner's ex. Yet, you have highlighted concerns drug use. It is important to ensure that your pace daughter is safe. With previous Social Service involvement it is of import to deed. It may exist that your partner wants to accept some legal communication too.

You may want to talk it through with NSPCC, they practise take a helpline if you are worried about a child,

Practice go on talking, we are here to mind and support you,



05/03/2017 at 2:21 pm

In my experiance ss don't get involved over smoking exs ex used to smoke information technology at her advised her not to smoke it around the children,preferably exterior and that was that....

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14/03/2017 at 6:33 pm

In my experiance ss don't get involved over smoking exs ex used to smoke information technology at her advised her not to fume it around the children,preferably outside and that was that....

Sent from my iPad using Netmums

True in my own experience too.


Melisa C(8)

14/03/2017 at 6:37 pm

I call back the all-time bet in this state of affairs is your partner talk to ss about these concerns. I take information technology your partner would already accept had dealings with ss if dd was on a CPR and then so why hasn't he already had a talk with them regarding this ?

They will advise accordingly, it is improve whatever action taken is washed through ss with their support in my opinion.


Amelia N(nineteen)

xiv/03/2017 at half-dozen:57 pm

My partner has spoken with SS, they insist that his daughter is fine, even though she has a chest infection that doctors have said could be due to smoke inhalation, and that they are working with the mother although the mother volition often flaunt that she is "getting away with information technology all".

I do not feel plenty is being washed to safeguard SD but my partner has fabricated formal complaints and they are beingness looked into atleast.

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Melisa C(eight)

14/03/2017 at vii:22 pm

That'southward frustratingly worrying then.

If yous didn't return dd what do you recall the ex would practice ?

Maybe you could get a legal opinion, you lot can get a free hour with most law firms


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