
A2. What Is It That Makes You Willing To Recommend Adobe Creativity Apps And Services?

Standalone cartoon tablets are capable of much more than regular drawing tablets. They're truly wonderful devices that allow artists to push their creativity to another level past reducing the gap between imagination and reality through technology.

I accept carefully crafted this listing to ensure that you become the best possible standalone drawing tablet that fits your budget.

What would you lot like to do first?

  1. Go Straight To The Top x Listing
  2. Acquire Everything Virtually Standalone Drawing Tablets

What is a Standalone Drawing Tablet?

A standalone drawing tablet is a completely independent device, it can be utilized to its fullest without the aid of any other equipment.

It contains everything information technology needs within itself, there's absolutely no need to connect it to a reckoner, hence the definition stand-lonely.

Another main feature of these devices is their loftier portability. They tin be easily carried anywhere, which is why they're so popular among people that besides savor drawing when not at dwelling.

In that location'south a simple analogy that can assistance you understand this.

Call back of a cell telephone, it's both hardware (the device itself) and software (the apps) merged together. This characteristic puts it in the stand up-lone category.

What is the Difference Betwixt Standalone Drawing Tablets and Regular Cartoon Tablets?

Standalone drawing tablet comparison table

Sometimes, merely looking at pictures of standalone drawing tablets and regular drawing tablets is non plenty to tell them apart.

For this reason, many consumers stop upwards purchasing the incorrect device and only realize it after, later the delivery.

Look at the two pictures below.

The outset one shows a standalone drawing tablet.

Standalone drawing tablet
Standalone Drawing Tablet

The 2nd 1 shows me using a regular drawing tablet that only looks like it's a standalone device.

Artist 12 Pro Drawing Tablet
Regular Drawing Tablet ( NOT standalone)

They look quite similar, don't they?

If you were to buy the tablet from the first picture, everything would exist fine, and you would get exactly what y'all expected.

Simply if you decided to buy the device on the second picture show, you would probably be surprised by the fact that it must exist continued to a computer in order to piece of work.

I know information technology may sound a little weird to remember that even if a tablet already has its ain screen, it would even so need a computer, simply this is precisely how things work.

Hither's the full picture of the 2d device (regular drawing tablet) being used.

Artist 12 Pro Setup
Artist 12 Pro Setup

How to Find Out If a Drawing Tablet is Standalone?

As you lot must accept noticed, just looking at pictures is not plenty.

There are a few ways to notice out if a drawing tablet is truly standalone or if it but looks like it is.

anest Method

I have created a list with the best standalone cartoon tablets on the market today.

As long as you pick a device from this list, yous tin rest assured that you will go exactly what y'all are looking for. Click here to see the list.

iind Method

Carefully read the products' specifications.

If you find words such equally

  • Drawing monitor
  • Graphic monitor
  • Brandish cartoon monitor
  • Pen brandish

This means that the product needs to exist connected to a estimator and therefore is not standalone.

3rd Method

When making a buy on Amazon, roll down and look for the Important Discover disclaimer in the product's description.

This is where the manufacturer clarifies if the drawing tablet is standalone.

Wait the examples below.

Warning about the drawing tablet not being standalone
Second warning about the drawing tablet not being standalone

4th Method

Check if the tablet comes with multiple cords.

Usually, standalone cartoon tablets come with a single cord, which is used both for charging the device and for information transfer.

Although this is non a dominion, it's a particularly mutual trait.

Are All Standalone Tablets the Aforementioned?

Absolutely not.

There are substantial differences even among standalone devices.

Don't worry, making this distinction is easy.

Standalone tablets can exist divided into two different categories. Both can be used for cartoon. There are:

  1. App-based standalone tablets
  2. Full-software standalone tablets
Standalone drawing tablet comparison table

App-based Standalone Tablets

These devices are mostly entertainment units.

People apply them to lookout videos, listen to music, read, play games, visit websites, describe so on.

They can do almost everything a regular computer does, but at a shallower level.

For instance, regular computers can run incredibly complex games that require a fast processor and a powerful graphics card.

While app-based standalone tablets tin can also run games, these games are much simpler and less resource intensive.

Standalone tablet graphics comparison
Standalone tablet graphics comparison

The aforementioned goes for drawing apps.

Though they're useful and can be skillful enough for the production of amazing artwork, they still have a few limitations that full-software tablets do not.

For case, a full-software tablet can run the full versions of software like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, while app-based tablets tin only run calorie-free-versions of these programs.

The well-nigh important tools are all at that place, only some resources that are not considered essential are simply cut out.

This does not mean that these tablets are bad, they are still amazing and can satisfy the vast majority of users.

In fact, the near popular standalone tablet in the world is an app-based one. It's chosen iPad (I'chiliad certain you're familiar with it).

Full-software Standalone Tablets

These tablets have the best of both worlds.

Not merely are they total-fledged computers, but similar the one you have at home, but they also come up with a stylus (digital pen) that allows the user to create artwork with the total versions of the best art and pattern software available.

These tablets run on Windows and can be used with literally whatever software that works on a regular computer, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Painter, ZBrush, Maya and so on.

If given the risk, everyone would go for this blazon of standalone drawing tablet.

What keeps near people away from picking this option is the fact that they are substantially more expensive than app-based tablets.

11 Best Standalone Drawing Tablets in 2021

I have carefully picked the all-time standalone drawing tablets currently available on the market. The list is updated and ordered based both on quality and price.

Each device is carefully described in simple terms so that y'all know exactly what you are getting.

1. Apple iPad Pro 2021

(Click hither to check price on Amazon)

iPad Pro 2021
iPad Pro 2021


App-based tablet with enough resource for both entertainment and professional tasks.

The recent hardware and software advances have definitely elevated drawing apps for the iPad to new heights.

It is now possible to utilize the iPad to create artwork that is good plenty for production.

The only downside of working on this type of device is the screen size. Although some iPads accept relatively large screens, they however tin can't be compared to the humongous screens seen in cartoon tablets used by big movie studios.

To be fair, the tablets used past Marvel Studios and Disney are extremely expensive and would be a reasonable purchase for those who piece of work in the industry.

Apple tree iPad Pro 2021 Technical Specifications

  • Screen: 11-inch Liquid Retina Display with ProMotion
  • Storage: 1T | 2T | 512 GB | 256 GB | 128 GB
  • Back Cameras: 12 MP Broad and 11 MP Ultra Wide
  • Battery Life: Upwardly to 10 hours
  • Wireless Technology: 5G
  • Stylus: Uniform with Apple Pencil (2nd Generation)
  • Keyboard: Compatible with Smart Keyboard Folio

Why is the iPad Pro 2021 a Good Pick?

This iPad has the best colors I've ever seen in a tablet screen. On top of that, although this device is more efficient than its predecessors, its toll is non substantially higher.

I would say that this tablet has some of my favorite characteristics whatsoever groovy drawing tablet should have:

  1. Bright colors and sharp images
  2. Fast processing
  3. Highly responsive stylus, the Apple Pencil (second Generation)

Make sure to read more about the differences betwixt Apple Pencils.

Even though Apple tree tends to heighten its products in small increments, it is undeniable that these upgrades add upward over a period of a couple of years.

What I'm trying to say is this: if you bought an iPad final year, the enhancements in this new device may not make much of a difference to y'all, but if your last purchase happened a few years agone, you lot volition see a noticeable evolution when it comes to processing speed and screen color.

2. New Apple iPad

(Click here to cheque price on Amazon)

New Apple iPad
New Apple iPad


This is an app-based drawing tablet; therefore, information technology utilizes less complex cartoon applications.

Technical Specifications

  • Screen: 10.2-inch Retina Display
  • Back Photographic camera: 8MP
  • Forepart Camera: 1.2MP
  • Battery Life: up to 10 hours
  • Stylus: comes with the Apple Pencil (wirelessly rechargeable)

What is the New Apple tree iPad skillful for?

  • Digital art (both raster and vector)
  • Recording and editing videos (just on apps compatible with iOS)
  • Taking and editing pictures (high-resolution photos)
  • Entertainment (streaming videos, playing games, listening to music)

What makes it a good standalone drawing tablet?

It's an case of the rare occasions when cost meets affordability.

The New Apple iPad is a result of the rigorous quality control which all Apple products need to pass through, but it's too particularly affordable because the visitor already sells other high-end tablets for more advanced users.

When it comes to the hardware, this tablet has the aforementioned aesthetics and sturdiness that iPads are known for. The fact that this device is cheaper than its counterparts does not negatively impact its quality in any way, shape or form.

The operating system follows the same structure that Apple customers are familiar with. It's simple, fast and easy to use.

Who is it for?

Since this tablet is cheaper and has less resources than other Apple tree standalone tablets, it'due south platonic for those who are just getting started and like to draw for fun.

The New Apple iPad is nigh pop among children, teenagers and older people who don't demand a device for professional reasons.

iii. New iPad Pro

(Click here to check price on Amazon)

New iPad Pro tablet
New iPad Pro


App-based standalone cartoon tablet. As other Apple devices, this one too works with apps downloaded from the App Store.

Technical Specifications

  • Screen size: 11 inch or 12.ix inch (depends on the model)
  • Wide Camera: 12MP
  • Ultra Wide Camera: 10MP
  • Front end Photographic camera: 12MP
  • Battery Life: upwards to ten hours
  • Stylus: comes with the Apple tree Pencil (wirelessly rechargeable)

What is the New iPad Pro good for?

  • Digital art
  • Recording and editing videos
  • Taking and editing pictures
  • Entertainment

What makes it a good standalone drawing tablet?

The fact that this tablet is manufactured by Apple is a testament to its quality.

Hardware wise, the New iPad Pro is an case to be followed. The device is sturdy, compact, thin and takes the user experience to some other level.

In terms of software, Apple's operating system is known for its simplicity and intuitive interface.

Fifty-fifty those who accept never used an Apple tree production are capable of learning how to use it only by playing with it.

What makes the information technology unique?

The New iPad Pro comes with a keyboard that tin can be fastened and detached most instantaneously, hence the proper noun Magic Keyboard.

It comes with a stylus called Apple Pencil, literally the nearly responsive digital pen I accept ever seen. It has almost no lag, and its engineering science is far alee of what other companies are currently offering.

Who is it for?

The New iPad Pro is perfect for people who are looking for an amusement device that also performs well as a digital fine art tool.

I accept written another commodity that may interest you: Is the iPad Pro Good for Illustrators?

four. Microsoft Surface Book 2

(Click hither to cheque price on Amazon)

Microsoft Surface Book 2
Microsoft Surface Book 2


This is a full-software drawing tablet.

To be verbal, the Microsoft Surface Volume two is an incredibly fast calculator that runs on Windows and tin can do absolutely everything that a regular desktop computer does.

On tiptop of this, it also acts equally a standalone cartoon tablet of arguably unmatched quality.

Technical Specifications

  • Screen: 15-inch touch-screen brandish
  • Processor: Intel Quad Cadre i7 (faster than most computers)
  • Storage: 512 GB
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
  • Battery Life: up to 18 hours
  • Stylus: Surface Pen (has only half the pressure sensitivity of the Wacom Cintiq)

What is the Microsoft Surface Volume 2 skilful for?

  • Handles full versions of digital art software such equally Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Painter and all the others.
  • Keen for video editing, specially with software that requires particularly powerful programs, such every bit Adobe Premiere.

What makes it a practiced standalone cartoon tablet?

Information technology'south everything one could expect from a drawing tablet and it also carries the advantage of having Windows x (which near people are already used to) as its operating organisation.

It's fast, reliable and can be attached to its keyboard to automatically go an outstanding laptop.

The Microsoft Surface Book 2 performs exceedingly well both as an amusement device as a professional person tool for the piece of work environs.

Also all the advantages of a regular figurer, this drawing tablet comes with the Surface Dial. A device that enhances the user experience by making information technology much easier for artists and designers to zoom in and out of their working canvas, thus substantially increasing productivity.

Who is information technology for?

This is not a inexpensive standalone cartoon tablet / laptop.

Its price tag means that most people who acquire the Microsoft Surface Book 2 are either professionals or students who plan on joining the workforce in the near future.

v. Samsung Milky way Tab S6

(Click here to bank check price on Amazon)

Samsung Galaxy Tab S6
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6


Another app-based standalone drawing tablet.

The deviation between this Samsung tablet and the ones sold by Apple tree is that the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 uses the Android operating organisation and therefore cannot run apps that were specifically developed for the Apple (iOS) surroundings.

While Android tablets such as this one tin can host amazing digital art apps, information technology withal tin can't be used with some of the most pop applications out there, like Procreate (which but works on Apple devices).

Technical Specifications

  • Screen: 10.5-inch
  • Resolution: 2560 x 1600
  • Processor: Octa-Core
  • Storage: 128GB or 256GB depending on the model
  • External Memory: upwardly to 512GB
  • Battery Life: 15 hours on a single accuse
  • Stylus: S Pen

What is the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 skillful for?

  • It's capable of running any Android apps and is powerful enough to handle fine art apps such as Illustrator Depict with ease.
  • The Galaxy Tab (Android operating organisation) has many hardware similarities to the iPad (iOS operating system), but the two tablets have completely different software environments.

What makes it a expert standalone drawing tablet?

It's the best Android-based alternative to the iPad.

You should remember that even though Android and iOS devices have some apps in common, many others are exclusive to each operating system.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 enables users who prefer Android apps to have the same level of freedom and comfort that Apple customers have been enjoying for years.

Who is it for?

Given that this kind of standalone tablet is more than frequently used for leisure purposes, information technology tin perfectly exist used for simple work tasks also.

The target audience is most all-encompassing considering the tablet caters to anyone from immature students to older professionals.

6. Wacom Mobile Studio Pro thirteen

(Click hither to bank check price on Amazon)

Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 13
Wacom Mobile Studio Pro thirteen


This is a full-software standalone drawing tablet manufactured by the most important company in this industry, Wacom.

The tablet runs on Windows 10 and has all the capabilities that a desktop reckoner has.

Technical Specifications

  • Screen: 13-inch touch-screen brandish
  • Resolution: 4K
  • Photographic camera: Real Sense (capture objects and turns them into 3D models).
  • Stylus: Wacom Pro Pen 2

What is the Wacom Mobile Studio Pro 13 adept for?

  • All computer-based tasks.
  • Art-related activities, both in 2D and 3D.

What makes information technology a skillful standalone drawing tablet?

Even though Wacom has ruled the drawing tablet marketplace for decades, more than recently new companies have joined the competition and have put Wacom devices to the test.

Although this device is not equally powerful as some others from the list, information technology's the simply one that comes with a built-in photographic camera to capture objects and generate 3D models from them.

Who is it for?

This standalone cartoon tablet is recommended exclusively for professional person artists or art students who plan to join the creative industry.

Its price tin can only be justified by intensive use in a production environment.

7. Apple iPad Air

(Click hither to check price on Amazon)

Apple iPad Air
Apple iPad Air


The Apple iPad Air is an app-based standalone cartoon tablet.

Technical Specifications

  • Screen: 10-inch retina display
  • Scrap: A2 Bionic fleck with Neural Engine
  • Camera: 8MP for pictures
  • Video: 1080p video recording
  • Storage: 64GB or 256GB depending on the model
  • Stylus: Apple tree Pencil

What is the Apple tree iPad Air good for?

  • Digital art (Drawing and painting)
  • Taking and editing pictures
  • Recording and editing videos

What makes it a expert standalone cartoon tablet?

This tablet sits right betwixt the regular New Apple iPad and the outstanding New iPad Pro.

Due to its design, this device is easy to carry effectually while it nonetheless maintains a considerable processing power.

Who is it for?

This drawing tablet can be used both by beginners and professionals. Besides, information technology'southward the all-time choice from this list if you're looking to buy someone a gift.

Its well-balanced characteristics make it a great choice because information technology merges usefulness with affordability.

8. HP Zbook X2-G4 Laptop

(Click here to check price on Amazon)

HP Zbook X2-G4 Laptop
HP Zbook X2-G4 Laptop


Full-software standalone cartoon tablet / laptop.

It runs on Windows x and can handle any software that is made for this operating organization.

Technical Specifications

  • Screen: 14-inch
  • Resolution: 4K
  • Graphics Processor: NVIDIA Quadro M620 west/ 2GB
  • Stylus: Zbook X2 Pen (sometimes sold separately)

What is the HP Zbook X2-G4 expert for?

  • Digital art (Drawing and painting)
  • Computer tasks

What makes it a practiced standalone cartoon tablet?

Even though this device was not created with artists in mind, it can also be used as a standalone drawing tablet.

That said, the HP Zbook X4-G4 is much bulkier than any other device from this list, and this is a factor you lot should certainly take into consideration considering it heavily impacts its portability.

If you are looking for a drawing tablet you can have anywhere, this one may not be the all-time pick.

Who is it for?

It's mostly recommended for people who primarily demand a laptop, just who would also like to describe sometimes.

There is nothing wrong with this laptop / tablet, but it would non be wise to purchase information technology solely for cartoon purposes.

nine. Microsoft Surface Pro

(Click here to cheque cost on Amazon)

Microsoft Surface Pro 6 photographer tablet
Microsoft Surface Pro


One more full-software standalone drawing tablet from Microsoft.

This is an earlier version of the Microsoft Surface Book two that also has Windows 10 as its operating system.

Technical Specifications

  • Screen: 12.3-inch
  • Resolution: 2736 10 1824
  • Processor: Intel Core i5
  • Storage: 256 GB
  • Bombardment Life: 13.v hours
  • Stylus: Microsoft Surface Pen (sold separately)
  • Keyboard: Surface Pro Signature Type (sold separately)

What is the Microsoft Surface Pro good for?

  • Digital art (both second and 3D)
  • Video editing
  • Figurer tasks

What makes information technology a expert standalone cartoon tablet?

This is one of the best cartoon tablets from the listing.

Microsoft has managed to create a tablet that works particularly well as a drawing device while retaining all the quality customers would expect from a full-fledged computer.

The fact that new cartoon tablets were released after this one has acquired its price to go significantly lower than but a few months ago.

In terms of ROI (return on investment), the Microsoft Surface Pro offers the highest value for your money.

Who is it for?

No other tablet in the world has every bit many customization options as this i.

This means that users can choice and choose characteristics they value the most and merely select those they are willing to pay for, like storage, processing ability and add-ons.

People who are willing to invest a lot tin can become a super fast drawing tablet, while occasional users tin but go for the basic setup and pay substantially less.

10. CHUWI UBook Pro Tablet

(Click here to bank check price on Amazon)

CHUMWI Ubook Pro


Budget total-software standalone drawing tablet.

Technical Specifications

  • Screen: 12.3-inch
  • Resolution: 1920 ten 1280
  • Processor: Intel UHD Graphics 600
  • Wink Memory Size: 256 GB
  • Stylus: HiPen H3 (sold separately)
  • Keyboard: Attachable (Sold separately)

What is the CHUWI UBook Pro Tablet good for?

  • Digital art (raster and vector fine art)
  • Video editing

What makes information technology a practiced standalone cartoon tablet?

This is literally the cheapest standalone total-software cartoon tablet that exists.

Since CHUWI, the manufacturer, is even so not a well-known company, there'south not a lot of feedback regarding this product'south quality.

Due to the lack of information, it'due south important to expect at this tablet with a grain of table salt, and it's ever practiced to remember that consumers usually get what they pay for.

This may be a good option for yous in case price ranks loftier in your priorities list, but it's vital that you understand that purchasing an item like this involves more than chance than getting a tablet from a company similar Apple.

Who is it for?

This is a good pick for those who want to be able to utilize the full versions of the Adobe Artistic Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere…), simply can't currently afford cartoon tablets from Microsoft, Apple, Samsung or Wacom.

11. Microsoft Surface Pro seven (10th Gen)

(Click hither to check toll on Amazon)

Microsoft Surface Pro 7
Microsoft Surface Pro 7


Versatile full-software standalone drawing tablet.

This Surface Pro has multiple desirable traits packed into the same device: it'southward slap-up for cartoon, writing and gaming.

Technical Specifications

  • Screen: 12.3-inch touchscreen
  • Resolution: 2736 x 1824
  • Storage: 128 GB SSD (faster file retrieval than well-nigh computers)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5
  • Webcam resolution: 8 MP
  • Battery Life: 10.5 hours
  • Stylus: Sold separately

What is the Microsoft Surface Pro vii (tenth Gen) good for?

  • Digital art (raster, vector, 2D and 3D)
  • Everything else a computer does
  • Video editing

What makes information technology a practiced standalone drawing tablet?

It'south a highly customizable drawing tablet / calculator that fifty-fifty when stripped away from its add-ons like actress retention and storage performs at a college level than most cartoon tablets.

Besides having state-of-the-fine art components, the tablet remains ultra-sparse and easy to carry. It fits inside whatsoever backpack and tin can be easily placed in a suitcase without taking much space.

Who is it for?

It's suitable to anyone who wishes to have a great estimator, but who also draws professionally.

Ane of the biggest advantages presented past Microsoft in their Surface series is the ability to upgrade the devices later on, an arroyo completely different from Apple (that requires its customers to buy brand-new devices each time their current one becomes obsolete).

Professional person Insight on Standalone Drawing Tablets

This listing is the most reliable way to discover an bodily standalone drawing tablet.

The internet is littered with manufactures total of misleading information and recommendations almost tablets that aren't even standalone.

I take personally gone through each one of the items on the list and tin clinch yous that no matter which drawing tablet you pick; it will work exactly as described.

Purchasing a tablet is an investment and I want yous to get the very all-time ane your budget allows. I highly value my readers and therefore was extremely careful when creating this selection.

In case you have any questions, only leave a comment below. I will be more happy to help you out.

Have a wonderful mean solar day and remember to keep on creating!

Bruno Santos

A2. What Is It That Makes You Willing To Recommend Adobe Creativity Apps And Services?,


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