When taking passengers to the airport we've been asked a time or two: Should I tip the airport wheelchair amanuensis? The curt answer is yep, if y'all can afford it.

Tipping can be a tricky affair—who do you tip and who do you not tip? Airport wheelchair agents are tasked with wheeling sick, injured, or elderly passengers around the airdrome—from the entrance and onto their flight. Many airports classify wheelchair aids equally a tip-wage position, which means employers tin legally pay them less than minimum wage. In fact, wheelchair workers at Kennedy Airport were warned that even though minimum wage was increasing to $eight an hour, their pay would remain at $seven.25 per 60 minutes.

To make things more challenging, co-ordinate to actual agents in the workforce, the tips they receive are incredibly small. According to 28-year-old airport wheelchair agent Denis Brown, who works at the Kennedy Drome, most people exercise non tip.

It would exist hard to go from point A to point B without assistance from an airport wheelchair agent, and for that reason alone, information technology is recommended to tip them at least $2 for their trouble. If they provide boosted tasks, such as taking you to the restroom, or stopping by the gift shop to pick upwards a book for your flight, yous may want to consider tipping actress—around $5.

Is Airport Wheelchair Assist Costless?

Yes. It is gratis to take advantage of airport wheelchair assistance. Airports are required by law to provide wheelchair services to sick, injured, disabled, or elderly passengers. But call your airline ahead of the scheduled flying to ensure availability and timeliness of wheelchair agent services. Almost all airports and airlines strongly recommend reserving a wheelchair and help well in advance.

Forgot to book alee? Yous tin can withal visit the airline ticket counter when you arrive to come across if at that place is a wheelchair and amanuensis bachelor at that time to aid you lot—it is possible that all wheelchairs and aids volition already be busy.

How Come So Many People Don't Tip Wheelchair Agents?

Many people assume it is a service provided past the airline and therefore, since airline tickets are so loftier, they are less probable to reach into their pockets and tip for the service. Brown told The Daily News that she brings home $50 extra in tips on a bye, but most of the time her tips are betwixt $v and $fifteen for the entire solar day.

Tips for Elderly or Disabled Passengers

  • The Aviation Section designates doors for passengers to coordinate option-up and drib-off locations with Specialized Transportation Services. Schedule a ride to the aerodrome with Stellar Transportation and balance bodacious, we are well-versed in where to take passengers for quick transfer out of our vehicle and into the airport.
  • It is highly recommended to contact the airline yous are flying on alee of your scheduled flight to reserve a wheelchair and amanuensis. By waiting until you arrive, you risk at that place not being enough wheelchairs or staff to aid you lot, which could cause y'all to miss your flight.
  • When you phone call to reserve a chair and agent, this is the time to vocalism whatever concerns, questions, or special requests to ensure there are no hiccups when you arrive.

Need a Reliable Ride to the Airport?

Stellar Transportation has you covered! We offer non-emergency medical transportation services, including pick upward and drop off from the airport. All our drivers undergo elderly sensitivity training and specialize in wheelchair transportation. Contact us today for a free quote for local or long distance transportation in Melbourne, FL and beyond.