
Does New Jersey Charge Taxes On Services


Determining whether or non the products or services your visitor sells are taxable in New Jersey is the first step in sales taxation compliance.

Traditional Appurtenances or Services

Goods that are subject to sales taxation in New Jersey include physical property, similar furniture, home appliances, and motor vehicles.

The purchase of both prescription and non-prescription medicine, groceries, gasoline and clothing aretax-exempt.

Some services in New Jersey are subject to sales tax. For a detailed listing of taxable services view this PDF from the New Jersey Division of Taxation website.

Digital Appurtenances or Services

A digital practiced or service is annihilation electronically delivered, such equally an anthology downloaded from iTunes or a picture purchased from Amazon.

New Jersey requires businesses to collect sales tax on the sale of digital appurtenances or services.


If you determined that yous need to accuse sales tax on some or all of the goods and services your business sells, your adjacent footstep is to register for a seller'due south permit. This allows your business to collect sales tax on behalf of your local and state governments.

In order to annals, you will demand the post-obit information:

  • Federal Identification Number
  • SSN
  • Name
  • Trade Name
  • Type of Buying
  • New Jersey Business Code
  • Owner, partnership, corporate officers info
  • Other basic info (if the business is seasonal, entity, subsidiary, info about what y'all sell, etc.)

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Register for a Seller'due south Allow online through the New Jersey Division of Revenue enhancement website


Fee: None

Expiration: None

Relieve Coin with a Resale Document

With a resale certificate, also known as a reseller's allow, your business does non have to pay sales taxation when purchasing goods for resale.

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Download the Resale Certificate through the New Jersey Sectionalization of Revenue enhancement

Download Resale Document

Teaching: Nowadays the document to the seller at the time of purchase.


Afterwards getting your seller'south permit and launching your business, yous will need to determine how much sales taxation you need to charge different customers. To avoid fines and the take a chance of plush audits, information technology's important for business owners to collect the correct charge per unit of sales tax.

When calculating sales tax, you'll need to consider the following kinds of sales:

  • Store Sales
  • Shipping In-State
  • Out-of-Country Sales

Shop Sales

For traditional business owners selling goods or services on-site, calculating sales tax is piece of cake: all sales are taxed at the charge per unit based on the location of the store.

Here's an example of what this scenario looks like:

Mary owns and manages a bookstore in Trenton, New Jersey. Since books are taxable in the country of New Jersey, Mary charges her customers a flat-charge per unit sales tax of 6.875% on all sales.

In-country Sales

The state of New Jersey follows what is known as adestination-basedsales tax policy. This means that long-distance sales within New Bailiwick of jersey are taxed according to the address of the buyer. This policy applies to state, county, and city sales taxes.

Consider the following instance:

Steve runs his own concern selling electronics on eBay out of his home in Clinton, New Jersey. A customer living in Bailiwick of jersey City finds Steve'southward eBay page and purchases a $350 pair of headphones. When computing the sales tax for this buy, Steve applies the 3.500% reduced state tax rate for a New Jersey Urban Enterprise zone. With no other forms of sales tax for the land of New Jersey, the total cost is $362.25 ($12.25 sales tax).

Out-of-state Sales

New Jersey businesses only need to pay sales tax on out-of-land sales if they havenexus in other states.Nexus ways that the business has a concrete presence in another state.

Common types ofnexus include:

  • Aphysical location, such equally an office, store, or warehouse
  • Anemployee who works remotely or who is a traveling sales representative
  • Amarketing affiliate
  • Drop-shipping from a third political party seller.
  • Atemporary concrete location, including festival and off-white booths.


Now that you've registered for your New Bailiwick of jersey seller's permit and know how to charge the right amount of sales revenue enhancement to all of your customers, you are all set to file your sales tax return. Just exist sure to keep up with all filing deadlines to avoid penalties and fines.

Recommended: Accounting software tin assistance simplify your business taxation returns besides every bit aid with payroll and accounting. Try our recommended accounting sotware today to relieve thousands of dollars on your taxes.

How to File

New Bailiwick of jersey requires businesses to file sales tax returns and submit sales revenue enhancement payments online.

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File the New Jersey Sales Tax Return

You will do this with the Sales Tax Spider web File page through the New Jersey Section of the Treasury website.


How Frequently Should You File?

How often you need to file depends upon the total corporeality of sales taxation your concern collects.

  • Quarterly filing: If your business collects less than $500.00 in sales tax per calendar month so your business organisation should elect to file returns on a quarterly basis.
  • Monthly filing: If your business organisation collects $500.00 or more in sales tax per month and then your business concern should file returns on a monthly basis.

Note: New Jerseyrequires you to file a sales tax return fifty-fifty if y'all have no sales tax to report.

Filing Deadlines

All New Jersey sales revenue enhancement render deadlines fall on the20th day of the month, unless it is a weekend or federal holiday, in which case the deadline is moved back to the side by side business twenty-four hour period.

Annual filing: Jan 22nd, 2020

Quarterly filing:

  • Q1 (January. - Mar.):Due Apr 20
  • Q2 (April - June):Due July xx
  • Q3 (July - Sept.):Due Oct 22
  • Q4 (Oct. - Dec.):Due January 22

Monthly filing: The20th mean solar day of the post-obit calendar month, or the adjacent business day, e.g.Apr 20 for the month of March, orMay 22 for the calendar month of April.

Penalties for Tardily Filing

New Jersey charges atardily filing penalty of $100 plus 5% per month or fractional month up to a maximum of 25% of the taxation that is reported on the tax render.

New Jersey also charges a late payment punishment that is equal to 5% of the tax that is unpaid.

The state assesses the unpaid tax with a compounded interest rate of 3% per year for whatsoever unpaid taxation or penalty.

Does New Jersey Charge Taxes On Services,


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